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Mrs. Nielsen

Room: #108 Phone: 257-5144 Email: click here

Learning Sites and APPs

Learning Sites and APPs

GOOGLE CLASSROOM for assignments including homework
SCHOOLWISE for grades and communication
CLEVER: the portal for Student Success

CLEVER: the portal for Student Success

All additional site links are found on the CLEVER portal.

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year

To a Successful Year

To a Successful Year

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! I'm very excited to be sharing this year with you and hope that you are just as excited!
8th grade is a busy year. It goes by really fast - and for our students that can be both exciting and a little scary. It's a great year of memory making, growth, and anticipation as they prepare to move on into the next stage of their life - High School. But before they get there, they still have a lot to learn here at DV. We strive to help them gather, maintain, and refine as many skills as they can to help them be success when they leave our Panther Family. Skills for success both academically and socially. Their world is expanding, and we want them ready to face and embrace it. 
That being said, the pace of 8th grade is FAST. Both because is seems to fly by and because the academic expectations are high. Every years these expectations increase - and they will continue to as our students move on into high school. Keeping up is vital to success. Helping your students learn and understand the value of "Student-Athlete" or "Student-Member" in relation to sport and clubs is especially important as they will not be able to enjoy the one without success in the first. Getting bogged down, falling behind, only makes students feel they cannot succeed, so please help them find and make time to focus on their studies. Encourage them to practice these important skills. The more they practice them, the easier they become.
Encourage your student to be an advocate for self at the appropriate times. Thiss skill is one of the more important ones for success and is one that our 8th grade team puts a lot of emphasis on because it is so vital is life. Please encourage your student to seek out teachers first, allowing that direct communication between student and teacher whenever possible.
I am excited to see the growth we will make together! 
It will be a memoriable year - and it will be one we successfully complete together!
English and Social Studies

English and Social Studies

Both ELA and Social Studies involve lots of discussion, developing clear support for reasoning, making modern connections, and building depth of both understanding and communication. As such, students can expect that they will need to do prep work in order to adequately participate in class. More information on what that looks like will come home in the parent-student letter and the syllabus for each class. 
8th Grade

8th Grade

8th Grade is a wonderfully exciting time for students as it is the capstone of their elementary educational journey! This year will be full of ups and downs, memory making, skill building, anxiety and relief. It's a growing year - that means challenges and pushing hard to overcome them.
By 8th grade it is expected that students will be their own primary advocates. It's important for parents and guardians to still be involved, but students will be encouraged and expected to speak up, seek out help, and communicate directly with their teachers as the need arises. This important skill will provide them with confidence and the ability to be successful throughout the remainder of their educational careers and into the workforce. 
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Fun Facts About Mrs. Nielsen

Fun Facts About Mrs. Nielsen

*Grew up in New England
*Has five kids
*Is a published author
*Once taught at an Outdoor Conservation Camp
*Favorite color is blue
*Loves to bake
*Enjoys the ocean
*Was a Civil War Reenactor
*Favorite food is homemade pasta and bread
*Hobbies include sewing, scrapbooking, & writing